No Need to Be Alarmed: Security Installers’ Advice on Burglar and Fire Alarms
There’s nothing more important than keeping your home and your family safe. Your possessions can be replaced, but your live and the lives of those you love are precious and irreplaceable, and losing your home to a fire is life-changing devastating. You’ve heard that your home is your castle, the place where you have the sacrosanct right to be free and safe. The metaphor is more apt than you might realize, as every castle was built specifically with defense against the enemy in mind, and came equipped with plenty of security measures. Unfortunately, moats filled with crocodiles and pots of boiling oil are generally frowned upon by most homeowners’ associations and both local and federal laws. You need modern solutions for home defense.
Determining precisely what you need can be a daunting task, especially since the market is oversaturated with so much noise about what you need. Should you shell out for a floodlight? Do I hotwire my detectors, or are ceiling mounts fine? What about carbon monoxide detectors? Should they be separate or combined with a smoke detector? When it comes to determining what’s best for you, it’s a smart idea to listen to the experts. In this article we’ll go over what security gurus say about home defense.
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Deterring Burglars
The experts at https://thirdeyeis.co.uk report that having a good home alarm is the most statistically reliable way for keeping intruders and burglars from invading your castle. They are the watchmen in the towers keeping a weather eye out for those who would do you harm, and are the first line of defense against them. If it’s doing its job right, it will also be the last line of defense you need in most situations. For amateurs who have no idea what they’re doing, a good alarm system will scare most off the moment it sounds. Professional robbers are similarly deterred, given that they’re generally efficient and will avoid homes with more security in favor of easier targets. There’s no downside to having a burglary defense system in your home. But what are your best options?
There are two popular and effective options that you should invest in: deterrent surveillance and alert systems. The first is growing in popularity thanks to the proliferation of doorbell security cameras, many of which serve a secondary auxiliary function of alerting you to activity in its surveillance range. Deterrent surveillance comes in many forms, such as security cameras or motion-activated floodlights. Motion sensors were once the privilege of the rich, but they’ve become more commonplace and affordable. Therefore, experts recommend investing in a dedicated security camera with attached motion sensor floodlight. The security camera doesn’t have to always be on, either; by incorporating motion sensors, your entire system can activate when it detects movement without wasting power otherwise. When the lights go on and the cameras start recording, your chances of burglars running away increases. This is especially effective if the system alerts your phone as well.
That said, you’d be wise not to rely solely on smartphone alerts for your information. As you can see here, there’s no substitute or a good home security alarm. What happens if someone is trying to break in and you miss your phone alert, or if you’re on vacation elsewhere and can’t respond in time? For this, you should invest in a home alarm. These can be as simple as door alarms to internal motion sensors that turn on and off on a fixed schedule. If a camera and light aren’t enough to deter an intruder, it’s highly unlikely that they’ll brave the blaring warning sound of an alarm. They’re specifically designed to trigger a panic response, which during a stressful situation like breaking into someone’s home can do wonders to psych out the intruder and make them flee. Ultimately, both a camera/floodlight combination and a dedicated home security system are the best ways to keep your home safe from an intruder.
Fire Prevention
The flames care nothing for your cameras. The flames want only to consume, ravenous and unfeeling. You can’t deter a fire; you can only prevent and respond to it. According to statistics, there are nearly 350,000 house fires every year. It’s the duty of every responsible homeowner to make sure they have the tools to keep themselves and their homes safe from burning down. So, what kind of tools do you have at your disposal, and which tools should you invest in? Are there any special considerations that you need to take into account? Fortunately, despite fire being more dramatic and dangerous than an intruder or burglar, the tools to handle and prevent it are simpler and less expensive.
According to the experts, most homeowners will be perfectly well served with two standard, well known safety measures: smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. These common sese additions to your house are almost certainly all you need as far as equipment goes. The rest falls on basic prevention methods and safety awareness. The alarm itself is going to be your first and most important line of defense. In the best case scenario, you can count on a smoke detector to alert you to the presence of smoke in the air that precedes the formation of flames. Combining a smoke detector with a carbon monoxide detector is better than having them as separate systems. Finally, having an up-to-date fire extinguisher on hand will help put out small fires, potentially preventing more catastrophic damage.
Overall, home defense has become easier than ever. Security experts agree that having a diverse, robust range of defense mechanisms is the best way to keep your home safe. While it may seem more expensive, the overall money you might save by maintaining your home’s safety is staggering. At the end of the day, though, the financial angle is negligible next to the value of peace of mind that accompanies keeping yourself and your family safe.