Become a Fitness Geek with 11 Amazing Tips
Obsession with electronic gadgets for gaming and socializing has increased in the 21st century. But some individuals take their digital addiction too far and dedicate less time to other activities. That’s how they neglect to maintain and upgrade their physical well-being. The modern depiction of geeks and nerds has created people with higher intelligence but lower body strength. Though being eccentric doesn’t mean you can’t be the most challenging person in your college. Now don’t imagine we’re talking about spending some time in the gym. You can still retain physical fitness while doing chores in your house or workplace. So, here are a few fabulous suggestions about health even geeks can follow:
Geekdom Fitness Suggestions
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1. Don’t sit too much
Don’t indulge yourself in thinking that continually sitting in front of that desk makes you more productive. You aren’t resting, and this isn’t a healthy habit. We even have a new scientific term called “sittosis” for this obsession with continuous desk-attachment. It can cause low back pain and may become the onset of dangerous maladies. Spending too much time chillin’on that comfy couch can lead to obesity and diabetes. So, enhance your awareness regarding these health issues.
2. Get up and walk
How to do your work if sitting is such an issue? Give yourself a well-earned break after working for an hour. Spend 5-10 minutes walking around because you need that blood pumping in your body. Take a quick trip to the bathroom and find time to drink some water. How about exchanging a few remarks in those water-cooler talks? Walking for a while is suitable for your posture, too, and will take some load off your backbone. Now, this is an easygoing route to fitness.
3. Enhance your knowledge
Spending your time engaged in a particular activity isn’t healthy. You need to divide your attention and find some other action to relax your mind. How about some learning opportunities? You can seek academic qualifications as an escape means for your heavily-used brain. Now you can acquire an online exercise science bachelor’s degree in your free time. Education will make you more knowledgeable regarding your well-being and different ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
4. Drink a lot of water
We’ve mentioned how you should drink water from time to time. Don’t rely solely on soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Chugging those Mountain Dew cans won’t do your body any good. It would help if you had plenty of water circulating your systems and purging toxins from your veins. Artificial sweeteners can’t compete with old-school H2O when we’re talking about physical fitness. Hydration is necessary for your body to perform its various functions, without which it’ll shut down.
5. Get back in motion
If you don’t like walking, you can make sitting a healthier activity by adding some facilities. Playing interactive video-games helps you shake your hands and legs a little. How about replacing a chair altogether and sit on a ball? You can replace your regular sitting arrangement with a ball for an hour or longer to keep your body in motion. It improves your posture and gives your backbone some rest. That’s why you can stay in shape while absorbed in your work like always.
6. Eat healthy stuff
A sedentary lifestyle seems like a vacation, especially if you’re working from home and don’t need to travel for work. Though such a lifestyle seems to grow in popularity worldwide, it isn’t healthy to live without exercising. Standing up more often strengthens your heart, makes you less vulnerable to obesity, and you even live longer. The same goes for eating healthy stuff. You can’t survive merely on snacks. It will help if you have a well-cooked meal rich in carbs and protein to stay fit and healthy.
7. Try something outdoors
Weight-lifting or push-ups might not be your thing. But you can still consider some outdoor activities such as cycling or jogging. You can weekly marathons with your buddies or invite a bunch of them for a longdrive on your bikes. Running also gives you time to think and unwind. You can burn a lot of calories just by running a few kilometers. If you can spare some time, then hiking can be a healthy adventure for you and your friends.
8. Yoga sessions
But if you still aren’t prepared to step outside, there’s always yoga to replace outdoor activities. Yoga can help you manage stress and sleep better with a satisfied mind. It also heals your back pain you get by sitting too much. You become more balanced and flexible with yoga. Meanwhile, you become a more tolerable person to hang around as yoga improves your mood. Yoga exercise also allows you to focus on your work and function with enhanced concentration.
9. Sit on the floor
Sitting cross-legged on the floor is also a part of yoga called sukhasana. Sitting on the floor has been a part of different cultures and is still traditional in numerous countries. Sitting in this position stretches your muscles and helps you digest your meals. It also makes you more mobile and flexible. Do you know that kneeling and squatting are called active rest positions? It’s because you sitting on the floor requires increased muscle activity. But avoid slouching as it’ll worsen your posture.
10. Restructure your lifestyle
You can’t make your fitness goals come true without implementing them permanently in your lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet seems pretty hard in the beginning. But you’ll grow accustomed to it after a few weeks. If your diet doesn’t work, it’s probably time to try some supplements. You can try vitamin or calcium supplements to boost your immunity and durability. But make sure always to consume a moderate dosage of these supplements.
11. Track your success
Geeks are like tracking their accomplishments and keeping a record of their achievements. You may write down your fitness progress. Keeping a journal is also a recommended mental exercise so you can monitor your emotions and revamp your mind. Does that sound too nerdy? Well, you can always share your success on social media platforms. Keep your like-minded friends updated on your fitness history via Facebook or Instagram. Recording your progress makes you healthier.
Our mainstream society has created specific personalities we use to categorize millennials. People who are addicted to a particular activity have become associated with geekdom. They get portrayed as unhealthy fellows who dislike gym classes and are physically unfit. It’s not a healthy habit to be glued to a screen or keep sitting on your chair all night long! Not everyone can afford to invest his/her time and money in training at a gym. But it’s not that difficult being a tough guy anymore! You need to move your muscles a little bit and stay away from unhealthy junk food. Conclusively, following simple activities such as stretching and drinking water can considerably boost your immune system.